by Mary Macary

It’s nearing the end of the year, which means it’s time for Senioritis to kick in. 

It’s that time of year when seniors start to lose all motivation to do anything school-related. This phenomenon is known as Senioritis: The collective burnout of seniors who just cannot wait to leave high school forever. So the question is: how hard is Senioritis hitting our seniors at Mount View? To get some perspective, I interviewed one of our seniors, Jill Jewett, on how she was feeling in regard to Senioritis.

When asked about how she felt about the upcoming end of high school, Jill remarked, “I am so excited for it to be over.” According to her, she has “Felt Senioritis start to kick in around October fifth” and she is “Really excited to leave because [she] has other things to do.”

I asked Jill what she thinks teachers could do to help with Senioritis, and she thoughtfully commented, “Teachers could lessen up on the workload near the end of the year because I feel as though it has not been consistent throughout this year.”

As Jill remarked, a lack of consistency in workflow throughout causes a lot of struggle for seniors, as they have gotten used to doing little to nothing or random spurts of work. So when teachers decide to assign a bunch of work at the end of the year, breaking the streak of small assignments and such, it can be overwhelming, thus causing the burnout. To all of the juniors preparing for their senior year, just know you should be prepared for an extremely boring yet somehow insanely busy and overwhelming senior year.